Clashgrounds Overview

With the upcoming release of Clashgrounds on December 1st, I wanted to give an overview of what to expect within the game-changing set! 

Clashgrounds features a new play zone & game mechanic, new art style, support for the Harbinger affiliation, a new alternative win condition, and much more! With 150x new cards to acquire, fans of the Alpha Clash TCG will not want to miss out on this epic set! With that, let’s break down each exciting feature: 


The Portal is truly a game changer as it adds another element to the game for players to strategize around. The Portal is a new game zone that will be represented by the Portal Token. Now that the Portal has appeared, it will be a part of every Alpha Clash game moving forward. This zone and its more comprehensive rules will be added to the Comprehensive Rulebook 2.0 at the launch of Clashgrounds. 

The intent for withholding this zone from the set 1 release was two-fold. 

First, we wanted players to familiarize themselves with the Alpha Clash mechanics and learn the rhythm of play. Second, as you may have noticed, the Harbingers were not present in The Awakening, but they make their appearance in Clashgrounds. This cinematic story element was something we felt would impact the players in a fun and compelling way. 

The Portal has two simple functions: It is either OPEN or CLOSED

At the start of any game of Alpha Clash, the Portal starts in the CLOSED position. However, any player (during their own Primary Phase) may pay two resources of any color to activate the Portal. When you activate the Portal, if it's OPEN, close it. If it's CLOSED, open it. It’s that easy!

Why does this matter?

As you will see, many cards, affiliations, specific characters and so on care about the Portal. Some want it OPEN, some want it CLOSED. But no matter your strategy, the Portal is now a zone that you and your opponents must manage and manipulate. 

As the Alpha Clash TCG grows and evolves, new mechanics, archetypes and strategies will interact with or care about the Portal in unique ways. The mysteries that await you as you pass through the Portal are endless. 


The new art style is a revamped American Comic Book style brought to life by top artists, with Art Director Wade King at the helm. Under Wade’s guidance, the art style has completely revamped the Alpha Clash aesthetic. By using a new art direction, the Rising Empire Studios team feels that the new style portrays the essence of Alpha Clash and gives fans a fresh take for what’s available on the market today. Fans can expect this new art style to stick around for the long haul. 


Clashgrounds strongly features a new affiliation, the Harbingers. The Harbingers are servants of the Progenitors and hold the titles of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Conquest, War, Pestilence, and Death make their appearance in the story and the game in a big way! Each of the Harbingers within the set grant players the autonomy to create new strategies by leveraging the Portal alongside the character playstyles. Each Contender plays very different, offering players of all backgrounds to find something they enjoy!


Clashgrounds features a brand-new win condition via Haven’s Backpack. This Legendary card adds a new strategy for players to unlock which includes accumulating “Collection Counters” in order to win the game before their health is reduced to 0. Haven also makes her debut as a Contender and offers players another unique Alpha Clash experience!

Higher Rarity Cards

For Alpha Clash fans, we know you enjoy all cards – however the high rarity cards certainly hold a special place in our hearts with their unique artwork, playability, card treatments, and more. Epic, Iconic Rares, Iconic Arts, Legendary, and Alpha Rare feature unique art styles from top artists. 


Iconic Rare and Iconic Art cards feature artist Caio Cacau and include 4 different Harbingers. You can expect to see these cards with incredible foiling, UV textures and a stamped signature of Caio. Iconic Rares are the playable version available in booster packs while the non-playable Iconic Art cards can only be found as case topper items. In order to find a case topper, you will need to purchase a sealed case of booster boxes (12 booster boxes) for your chance at 1 of the 4 different Iconic Art cards. 


Clashgrounds features 3 different Legendary cards including Haven’s Backpack, Clarity, Harbinger of Death, and War, the Second Horsemen. Featuring a dynamic comic book art style by Patrick Brown, fans will enjoy the level of gameplay in addition to the level of art each of these cards possess. 


Alpha Rare cards are unique in nature as they are alternate arts of Legendary cards and are hard to find! Clashgrounds will feature 2 Alpha Rare cards that have complimentary artwork. When placed side-by-side, these cards will complete a full picture. The pull rates will not be revealed for these cards. Happy Alpha Rare hunting! 

Product Overview

Within booster packs and blister packs, you will find a variety of different cards including: 49 Common, 40 Uncommon, 25 Rare, 10 Epic, 4 Iconic Rare, 3 Legendary, and 2 Alpha Rare. Additionally, each booster box contains a Box Topper Promo!


The Clasghrounds Clash Kit features an exciting Alpha match-up between Mean-Streak and Machina. Based on feedback from our first 2-Player Clash Kit, we made some adjustments. The 2-Player Clash Kit has been revamped and now contains 11 exclusive cards featuring two Contenders, 1x AxO and 8 Starter Rare exclusives. By combining two new playstyles with characters you all enjoy, we believe the 2-Player Clash Kit is going to be a great addition to the lineup for Clashgrounds. 

For Organized Play, stores can utilize Tournament Kits and Pre-Release Kits to incentivize players with prizing exclusive to the kits. 

The Tournament Kit comes with 64x participant booster packs and 8x champion booster packs featuring exclusive stamped promo cards. The Pre-Release kit comes with 8x Pre-Release packs. Each Pre-Release pack comes with 10 booster packs and an exclusive Pre-Release entrant pack. 

Be sure to Pre-Order while there’s still time! Find a list of distributors here: BUY NOW Don’t miss out on the Team Covenant Promo available with Pre-Orders through Team Covenant. 

All-in-all, Clashgrounds is a ground-breaking set that you won’t want to miss! Oh, and here are a few more spoilers…


Reprints, Alt-Art, and Collectability


Organized Play Update