Organized Play Update

As we enter into 2024, Alpha Clash will be offering a free organized play kit to game stores around the world every quarter. The free kit is known as a “Rivalry Kit” will contain exclusive promo cards and weekly tasks, known as ‘Pursuits’ to earn prizes.

Players will learn to recognize these cards because of their UV texture that will be exclusively used for Rivalry Kits. Throughout 2024, there will be 4x Rivalry Kits, available at the launch of every quarter (January, April, July, October).

For stores that are interested in joining the program and receiving your free Q1 Rivalry Kit, please email Rivalry Kits will be shipped directly from Distributors – don’t wait, inquire today!

Rivalry Kit 1 Contents will contain 186x total cards including: Webber’s Binoculars x40, Mean-Streak, Looking for Trouble x40, Sinister Assistance x40, Clarity, Inspiring Leader x4, Haven, Improvising x4, Torque, Forceful Hitter x4, and 54x Mean-Streak, Blink of an Eye.

Stay tuned for a BIG announcement regarding the organized play season for 2024 – you won’t want to miss this! You can expect to see the news announced alongside the Clashgrounds release.


Clashgrounds Overview


First Look At Clashgrounds