Contender Showcase

Article by Dagan

What’s up card gamers? My name is Dagan. Like a lot of you, I’m sure, we have seen a ton of TCGs over the years. However, today I wanted to focus on one particular upcoming TCG that’s caught my attention called Alpha Clash!

There is a lot to love about Alpha Clash from it’s “every card can be a resource” system to it’s Hero (or Villain!)  based combat, but today I wanted to give an introduction specifically on the main Contenders of each color! These are the cards your deck will be centered around. Each player starts with them in play and those Contenders have their own unique abilities!

Let’s start with White:

Clarity, Ageless Defender

A fan favorite, Clarity boasts consistency like none other as you get to manipulate the top of your deck at the beginning of every turn! The longer the game goes, the more you can sculpt your hand to respond to any potential threat! If she ever drops to 10 health or less she unlocks her second ability to drown her opponents in not only additional card selection but raw card advantage.

Next up is the big bad in Green:

Magnate, The Awakened

You may have already seen this card if you were lucky enough to play the demo decks, and while a strong introduction to the game, I can assure you he’s got even more depth! Magnate boasts synergy with Alpha cards, passively buffing your whole team’s defense. You can play a more aggressive strategy with extra survivability or you can play the long game and grind down your opponents board with your beefier clash cards. Speaking of grinding your opponent down, if your opponent has the audacity to drop Magnate to 10 health or below he unlocks his second ability to start shredding his opponent’s hand with his discard effect! Magnate is a strong leader for any green deck.

Sprinting to our next contender in Blue is:

Mean-Streak, Ready to Brawl

Mean Streak’s signature mechanic is the addition of Streak Counters. Lots of his clash cards get buff’s based on the amount of Streak counters they have which gives him multiple viable strategies! Do you stack multiple counters on one clash card to make one big threat or do you spread them amongst your cards as a draw engine from Mean-Streak? Once he drops to 10 or lower he unlocks his second ability earning himself a second wind which gives anyone with a Streak Counter a sudden burst of strength and speed!

Locked and loaded is our next contender in Black:

Moxie, Ready to Hunt

The other Contender that you may have seen from the beginner decks is Moxie. Her objective is to create a massive arsenal of unique weapons and other accessories to overwhelm the opponent. Normally each clash card can only equip one weapon at a time, but Moxie was never one who follows the rules. She can equip multiple weapons to each of your Alpha Hunters! Later in the game if she drops to 10 health or less she shifts into overdrive to equip some of the biggest baddest weapons in the game for free!

Last but definitely not least in Red is the escaped convict:

Torque, The Diabolical

No stranger to violence, Torque loves dealing damage to everyone, even himself! A strong contender to any red deck, he can either control the board with direct damage to your opponents clash cards or deal damage to your own for buffs/card draw. As his second ability implies, his specialty lies in turning harm into strength. As you can see, each Contender has their unique strengths and play styles. I hope you are as excited to explore them as I have been, and I’ll be seeing you on the battlefield!


Clash Card Showcase


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