Live on TCGPlayer

Hello Alpha Clash Community!

We wanted to take a moment to share some exciting news! Alpha Clash is LIVE on TCGPlayer. This is a huge day for our company and one that’s been in the works for many months. We’ve been holding our breath waiting to tell you and we know so many of you will be very excited to see this come to fruition. 

Sellers, you are now able to upload all of your Kickstarter, Set 1, and Set 2 singles and sealed product on TCGPlayer through the seller portal. 

Buyers, you are now able to purchase all of the above items as fast as the sellers can get them uploaded.  

Not sure what TCGPlayer is? It’s the leading online marketplace for trading card games boasting an elaborate selection of games and a smooth user experience. 

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements in the coming days. We’ll see you on TCGPlayer. Keep it clashy!


Alpha Clash in more places!


The Ambassador Program is Back!