Judge Program is LIVE

Alpha Clash Community

With the competitive season officially kicking off this month with Clashground: Las Vegas and Clashground: Manila, we want to be sure there are ample qualified Judges at these events and others moving forward.

Becoming a certified Judge not only demonstrates dedication and expertise, but also signifies commitment to upholding the integrity of the game. As a Judge you will play a vital role in ensuring competitive tournaments and casual play events run smoothly. Judges will resolve disputes effectively and uphold the rules consistently at events.

Passing Criteria

In order to pass this test, you’ll need to demonstrate a solid understanding of the material by answering at least 75% of the questions correctly. This equates to getting 21 or more questions right out of the 27 questions in the test. Achieving this score indicates that you possess the foundational knowledge necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of a Level 1 Judge.

Cooldown Period

For those who do not pass the test on their first attempt, there is a cooldown period of 30 days before you can retake the test. This cooldown period allows individuals the opportunity to review and reinforce their understanding of the material before attempting the test again.


To prepare for this test, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules and mechanics of the trading card game. Additionally, reviewing the provided resources will significantly enhance the chances of success.

Resources you’ll need to be an expert on!

Basic Rulebook

Advanced Rulebook

Tournament Rules Manual

Once an individual successfully passes the test, they will receive an email confirmation notifying them of their achievement. Furthermore, they’ll be officially recognized as a Level 1 Judge and added to the esteemed list of certified judges within the community. Want even more of an incentive? Judges for the Clashground events will be rewarded with the exclusive Kinetic Blast Judge Promo card!

So, what are you waiting for? Study up and take the Judge test!


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